We provide learning opportunities for leaders who lead this technology age. Depending on necessary, available programs includes capacity building such as workshop to think about actual business strategy, technical skill acquisition through practical project, or classical lecture style.

About Tech & Business Training

Even if we provide sophisticated and highly completed data analysis results and algorithms, though we can implement measures once at that time, the situation will be back to the mess in a few months, if the ability to master it in the company does not take root. In today’s business technology age, which incorporates data science as a matter of course, in order to become a true innovation leader company, such success depends on how much number of members can be increased within the company who are well-equipped with both business strategy and data technology.

If you only learn information / data technology, you can easily find many teaching materials for each area such as statistics, programming, database, machine learning etc. And on the other hand, if you only learn existing business methodology, there are also many teaching materials like subjects taught at business schools, such as accounting, marketing, organization theory and so on.

However, what is really needed as talents of modern business leaders is neither technology skills alone nor existing business methodologies alone. In order to assemble the business structure by combining the knowledge of both technology and business and construct the technical design, reading textbooks or formulated video contents are not effective way to learn them. Experiences to struggle to generate a whole structure of business using technology, using concrete examples of business circumstance and repeatedly discuss with other experienced business leaders, is what we need to accumulate to become the new-age business leader..

With the interactive and hands-on learning methods indispensable in contemporary business education, Our training experience focused on understanding the essence of information and data technology that is changing every business in the 21st century, and repeatedly experiencing real business by various cases. We believe the companies that can invest in nurturing human resources who go ahead by such opportunity design should become the front runners in the next technology age.

Service configuration example
  • Intensive workshop style
    Participants gather in a period such as one day or two days, They are divided into groups and work on the workshop assignments.
    Given tasks of the specific case, Each group composes their own proposal by sharing wisdom and experience in the group, then finally each group presents their plan and questioning each other. Through deepening such discussions, they now understand how to think under concrete business circumstances to fulfill business purposes as their own experience.
    Through experiences of thinking by themselves on technological utilization under such specific circumstances of the business and then receiving comments on the meaning of the technology, it is not merely satisfying to know the technology trend as just knowledge, but rather we will deepen our understanding of the meaning of technology in the level of instinct.
    First of all start with tasks easy to work on, and then looking back on what we really find out from the work, for example think about how to do it at own company. In such a way they can experience of exploring answers with a strong awareness of business objectives and the environment.
    (Also, through group discussion, presentation, questioning, with handling a wide range of corporate tasks, young members can also utilize this opportunity as a place for their leadership education with being aware of management participation.)

    This style is suitable for cases where major members can gather at specific one or two day, though long-term commitment of participants could be difficult.

  • Project OJT style
    Through letting participants engage to implement a specific project using data technology, we aim them to acquire capacity to the level that can really be used for actual competitive business occasions.
    For example, we design projects that will perform big-data analysis, algorithm design, etc. over a period of several months and appoint participants. In order to achieve the business purpose, they will acquire the skills necessary for business while the members are actually trying practical tasks under technical guidance and progress management meetings conducted for example once a week.
    Depending on necessity and budget, they can improve their acquisition efficiency by simulating exactly the same project in parallel by an outside expert team and constantly copying it by with the trainee participant team. During the period you can also supplement technical learning by additional lectures and/or workshops in parallel.
  • Series of lectures
    It is possible to obtain knowledge by lecture style, for example, when you want to get a broad knowledge system first in companies that have been doing only by themselves.
    We will set lecture hours of 2-3 hours once a week, or every other week, and hold it as a series of about 10 times according to the contents.
    Although it is a lecture style, it is not only passively listening to lectures but also participative through discussing among attendees to deepen their learnings from each attendee’s experience and perspectives.
    In the period between each lecture, the contents of the next lecture can be preliminary announced and encourage attendees to voluntarily study about it by themselves.
  • Technical questions & answers
    In the cases where problems difficult to be solved frequently arises in the actual works, it is also possible to provide services in a form that responds to individual tasks.
    We set up only a time frame of about once a week, and employees who encounter issues or questions during that week book their time slots and use the time to solve questions. Other employees can also participate at that time to use it a participative problem-solving session.
    Alternatively, another form using an online platform such as mail, chat, bulletin board to solve such questions is also possible.
Service process
  • Status assessment, Method selection
    When you contact us, first we will ask you about the current situation. We will check for example capabilities that you want to acquire as an organization, experience level of participants and interest for career growth.
  • Work design
    We explain expected deliverables, schedule plan, cost estimation, role sharing etc., and if you get internal approval etc, we will start the actual work.
    (NDA exchange if necessary at initial contract)
  • Workshop or lecture design work
    Start designing workshops and lectures according to the implementation form, participant’s experience level, achievement goal, etc.
    We design the workshop in detail, for example the business case and technical theme to be used, time allocation, exercise content, schedule of the day, tools to use.
    As necessary, additional preparatory meeting can be held to discuss about workshop plan drafts.
  • Handling of the day
    We will ask you in advance about some preparatory arrangements, for example a meeting room, whiteboards, a projector, desk placement, sticky notes etc.
    On the day of workshop/lecture, we will handle the facilitation according to the timetable we designed.
    In many cases, firstly we use projectors and/or printed materials to explain concepts, and then participants will be divided into groups, deepening their discussions using whiteboards, and lastly supplemental explanation and question time will be held.
    In case of implementation in series after the end of the time table, we will conduct meetings such as reflecting on the day etc. and reflecting on the next time as necessary.
  • Deliverables
    Finally, materials such as texts used during the lectures/workshops will be provided in electronic files for follow-up reference.
Experience example
  • IT service company
    The goal setting was to incorporate data technology to advance the service provided to customers. We set 3 hours session once per week, use the first half of the time as technical lecture in general about data science, and the second half as discussion of possible services using those technologies.
    The purpose was set to realize up-sell and competition differentiation by service evolution and at the same time by setting opportunities for young members to deeply touch on data science from the viewpoint of business strategy, we aimed at enhancing the capability and motivation of younger participants to be the future leaders.
  • Customer service company
    While handling customer data analysis for marketing strategy as a separate project, we also aimed to let company members acquire the set of techniques used in the data analysis project and coordinated dedicated time for training in lecture style in parallel.
    About 20 highly motivated employees participated, holding lectures to get basic knowledge, and exercises to learn know-how, alternately every other week to establish both knowledge and experience.
    Employees participated in this course then returned to their own department and now turned to the teaching side, aiming at the propagation effect.
  • And many others

If you are interested in our services, please let us know from the contact form.

You can also find contact information at the company information page.